If you have either already booked a chemical peel appointment or are considering it, they are a great way to maintain your skin’s health and one of the best facial treatments available. Chemical peels are generally used for correcting skin issues like acne, dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines or simply an even tone. The great thing is that, given there are many different types of chemical peels to choose from, a skin doctor will be able to point you in the direction of the particular chemical peel that will suit your type of skin.
Although you may feel a little intimidated by the name of this procedure, there is nothing really to be worried or scared about. However, there are a number of things you should know before having a chemical peel that may help you to get the best possible result out of it.
It’s Crucial To Have Your Skin In Great Shape Before Your Treatment
Obviously, it goes without saying that a chemical peel can be applied to the unhealthy skin and still achieve desirable results. However, to really get the most out of it you should do all you can to ensure that your skin is in great condition before your appointment.
Despite The Harsh Sounding Name, It’s Actually Just Exfoliation
While it may sound like something out of a horror film – chemicals being applied to your skin and then your skin flaking off, it is actually just part of the healthy process of exfoliation. In order to get to your new fresh and healthy skin, you need to peel away at the dead and unhealthy skin.
Skin Brightener Can Help Lower The Risk Of Hyper-pigmentation After Your Chemical Peel
We would recommend that you try to use a skin brightener around two weeks before your appointment, as it can help to reduce the production of melanin once you’ve have your peel, therefore stopping dark spots appearing.
Discuss With The Specialist Skin Doctor Which Peel Is Right For You
It may be that you don’t want the exfoliation process to be visible, which may mean you would prefer a 70% lactic acid peel. At The London City Skin Clinic, specialists can discuss the various chemical peel options they have available and which would suit you best to get the results you want, without it affecting your day to day life.
Chemical Peels Can Be Used Other Places Too
Chemical peels, although traditionally associated with facial skin, can actually be applied for other parts of the body, such as the back, chest and hands. They can remove and reduce acne on the back and chest, and help remove dark spots and patches on the chest and hands.
Have Realistic Expectations
Be realistic with your expectations. If you have serious raised scarring, this won’t be removed by a chemical peel. Likewise, if you are trying to correct several years worth of untreated skin damage, one single peel will not do it. Chemical peels will, though, brighten, smooth and tighten your skin giving you a younger and healthier look and feel.
You Need More Than One
Following on from the above point, unless you have a much deeper peel like a Phenol Peel, one round of treatment won’t get desirable results. A course of peels is the most effective way to get the very best out of chemical peels. When you attend your consultation appointment, the skin specialist will be able to recommend the course of treatments that would be most suitable for you.
Add Sunscreen To Your Daily Routine
Sunscreen is obviously very important during warmer days. However, after you have had a chemical peel, you should invest in good quality sunscreen and apply it daily to maintain your skin.